Game-on Challenge info

Game-on Challenge info

by Kathleen Kavanagh -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Folks,

Here is some information about this new activity in case you were not at the last visit and to give you all a little more information.

This competition is open to all 7th and 8th grade students to compete as an individual or with a partner. There will be an opportunity to work on  games at the February campus visit but students should get started now! The final competition will be held at the April campus visit. We have Chromebooks you can borrow if you need to! The grand prize is an iPad!

Provided on Moodle we have a flyer to give to students, a very brief document to help students get started, and then a list of training activities that the students need to do in order to know how to build a real game. These activities go along with the book "Code Your Own Games: 20 Games to Create With Scratch". These were given out at the October visit but we have more if you didn't get one or would like an extra.

PLEASE encourage your 7th and 8th graders to participate in this challenge and help us get them excited about programming! Our CU fellows are ready to help. 

Since this is the first time we are running this activity, I am sure we will run into obstacles that we didn't foresee but we are open to suggestions for improvement and excited and ready to work hard to make this a success!

Thanks for all you do!!!
